China Auto’s First Head-on Collision--GWPeri and Cowry Undergoes a Stern Test

GWM News 2008-04-25

On 8 April, in the newly started safety test lab, around 20 well known domestic and foreign auto-passive safety experts witnessed the head-on collision test (0° angle) between the GWPeri and Cowry.

On 8 April, in the newly started safety test lab, around 20 well known domestic and foreign auto-passive safety experts witnessed the head-on collision test (0° angle) between the GWPeri and Cowry.

On the test path, covering over 200 meters, the GWPeri and Cowry were moving at each other at a speed of 45km/h respectively. After the bang, an experts' conclusion came out:

1. the doors did not open during the crash, protecting the passengers' safety. After the crash, the doors can open normally, which indicates the normal operation of the safety airbag.

2. the dummy is unharmed

3. there is no obvious distortion or heavy damage to the A Pillar, or the entire driving cabin, clearly demonstrating the success of this crash.

Worth mentioning is the outstanding performance of the GWPeri - in spite of its light weight compared to the Cowry, the energy of the crash was completely absorbed by its distorted front part.

"This is a bold innovation. It’s of huge practical significance to GWM, as a CBU automaker performing vehicle testing and R&D subject to the actual road conditions. This is also very significant to the independent R&D ability of China's Auto Industry", Professor Huang Shilin, from the Research Institute of Tsinghua University, the originator of China’s auto passive safety, expressed.

Zhu Xichan, nationally well-known expert from Tongji University's auto safety laboratory, stated, "The weight of the Cowry is up to 1.6 times that of the GWPeri, hence there is a big risk for the small car. However, from the outcome, GWPeri outlived the austere test."

The auto passive safety experts were surprised observing the world-class passive safety lab of GWM, saying that this is the first one among China’s CBU enterprise. This laboratory can match up to the few national state-of-the-art passive safety labs. It indicates that GWM already possesses the ability and conditions for the high-level crash.

The head-on collision between the two GWM vehicles is a first in China’s auto industry and also a first among the country’s own auto brands. Regarding the auto passive safety test, GWM is the first enterprise.

"The actual crash demonstrated that the head-on collision of 2 vehicles is more difficult and more meaningful than the regulated crash and NCAP Standard tests. This is owing to the difference between the weight and materials of the two vehicles' being crashed bringing more complications. Due to the big difference between GWPeri and Cowry, this type of crash is more applicable to the practical driving conditions, hence it can prove the level of a vehicle's safety function even more", the experts at the scene expressed.