GWM Provides Official Vehicles for the 2023 BRICS Summit

GWM News 2023-08-24

On August 22nd, the 15th BRICS Summit was held in Johannesburg, South Africa. As an official vehicle and media summit vehicle for the 2023 BRICS Summit, GWM HAVAL H6, HAVAL H6 HEV and other models, providing mobility services for BRICS delegations, organizing committees, and summit media. Since the last BRICS summit held in South Africa in 2018, GWM has once again become an official vehicle, fully demonstrating its quality reputation in the overseas market and witnessing the strength of "China's intelligent manufacturing" in the world.

GWM Served as the Official Vehicle of the 2023 BRICS Summit

Parker Shi, Vice President of GWM, stated that providing mobility services for the BRICS Summit is a great honor. It is really a great chance to represent Chinese automotive brands and share with the world the spirit of integrity, innovation, and development in this international exchange occasion

Rooted in South Africa and Serving South Africa, GWM has been in South Africa for 16 years

GWM entered the South African market in 2007 and has been ranked first in Chinese brand sales for 16 consecutive years. In the South African market, GWM has always been adhering to the "GO WITH MORE" brand proposition, and has successively laid out star models such as the HAVAL H6 and POER. With the principle of “rooted in the local market, serving the local market”, it dedicated to meeting the diverse mobility needs of local users, while actively integrating into local social life.

HAVAL H6 HEV provides convenient travel experience for summit media

During the epidemic, GWM teamed up with the local Light of Hope charity organization in South Africa to carry out a food and material assistance operation in the slums of Johannesburg, extending a helping hand to impoverished families facing food shortages during the epidemic, and conveying corporate social responsibility through practical actions.

GWM donated automotive powertrain

GWM also closely interacted with the Automobile Association of South Africa, donating advanced DHT transmission and battery pack assemblies for efficient hybrid electric (HEV) models, as well as advanced automatic transmissions, to local schools to popularize and promote China's automotive technological strength, and imbedded the love of Chinese automotive technology in local students.

The powerful "forest ecosystem" has won the trust of global partners

In April of this year, GWM invited authoritative South African automotive media to participate in the Shanghai International Auto Show and visited the Technical Center of GWM Headquarters, Smart Factory, and Hydrogen Energy Factory. After visiting numerous technology research and development bases of GWM, multiple authoritative media expressed surprise at GWM's "excessive research and development investment" and unique forward-looking "Green + Intelligent" mobility concept, and impressed by GWM' strong "forest ecosystem". They highly affirmed GWM brand innovation, responsibility, and mission.

Overseas Media toured in GWM

In the eyes of authoritative local media in South Africa, they see a rising Chinese leading enterprise, an ecosystem that closely combines technology, environmental protection, and social responsibility. The friendly relationship between China and Africa and the strong intelligent manufacturing capabilities of GWM will undoubtedly inject more impetus into the development of GWM in South Africa and even globally.

GWM, with 33 years of experience in car manufacturing and strong resilience, is drawing on the experience and wisdom of all parties, alongside other pioneers actively exploring in overseas markets, adhering to long-term principles, and moving towards a global brand.